2024 Pledge Card

Annual Giving at CTK

Using the word “growth” in the church is tricky, these days. It’s easy to get bogged down in statistics about declining attendance, clergy shortages, and church closures. Many of us are mourning the loss of programs and ministries that were precious to us. A return to “normal” in the life of the Church hasn’t happened; at least not in the way we might have desired or expected. And yet growth is the word that consistently pops up in our conversations at CTK, in Vestry meetings, stewardship and fundraising planning sessions, and World Café gatherings. The word itself begs reflection and definition: What do we mean when we say that we want to grow?

What’s clear is that we are being called to a type of growth that goes beyond average Sunday attendance, beyond “butts in pews.” We are gaining awareness about what it means for us, as a community, to grow: vertically, horizontally, internally, externally. We are exploring a kind of broad and holistic type of expansion that is spiritual and physical, qualitative and quantitative.

To seek growth in times of transition and uncertainty is well-worn territory in our faith tradition. We are members of a family system that has not just endured but flourished through seasons of abundance and drought, exile and homecoming, death and resurrection. Our hope-oriented worldview is fed by a deep well of wisdom and courage that our ancestors in the faith have cultivated over thousands of years. Growth is in our spiritual DNA.

Working towards financial sustainability is one of many of ways we continue the sacred work of cultivation, or “bearing good fruit.” As we move into 2024, we are counting on you to prayerfully discern what you can pledge in support of the financial well-being of our church. Your pledge and ultimate contribution ensures that CTK can operate fully and carry out its various missions. No pledge of financial support is too small. What matters is that you participate at level that feels right for you. If you have questions or need some guidance on how much to pledge in the coming year, please reach out to the Rector or the Wardens for an open and shame-free conversation.